Upcoming Programs


Presque Isle Audubon Monthly Programs

PIAS holds programs on the third Friday of each month from September through June, excluding December and January. Meetings are currently being held online via Zoom and occasionally also in person at the Tom Ridge Environmental Center. ​Everyone is invited!  You do not need to be an Audubon member to attend and enjoy one of these informative, educational, and fun programs.

All PIAS Programs are recorded and later uploaded to the Presque Isle Audubon YouTube Channel.

Upcoming Programs:

Birds, and Other Specimens, at TREC

with Mark Lethaby

Friday, March 21, 2025 at 7 PM

In-Person Program at the Tom Ridge Environmental Center at Presque Isle State Park

Natural history collections play a vital role in documenting biodiversity for scientific research and conservation, and for providing educational experiences for the public. The Natural History Museum at the Tom Ridge Environmental Center is a facility in the basement of the Center that houses over 12,000 specimens of plants and animals from northwestern Pennsylvania, with a particular emphasis on Presque Isle and Erie Bluffs State Parks. This program will introduce the Museum and provide a tour of the collection rooms, highlighting some of the amazing specimens housed there. 

Mark Lethaby is the curator of the TREC Natural History Museum, having started as a volunteer in 2007. He also works seasonally for the Pa. Fish and Boat Commission. He has a particular interest in reptiles and amphibians and was the regional coordinator for the Pennsylvania Herpetological Atlas Project in the 1990's, and is the regional coordinator for the current Pennsylvania Amphibian and Reptile Survey (PARS). 

Because of the Museum tour during this program, it will be only In-person at TREC. Arrive at TREC by 7 PM. Doors will be open for socializing and light refreshments at 6:30 PM.


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